Color trends

Among the colors that star next season, we find strong and vibrant shades, such as reds, oranges and yellows. In addition to green, brown and blue. Colors that evoke pure nature.

From the natural to the artificial and from joy to melancholy. The next autumn / winter is loaded with bold color combinations, where the balance gives meaning to many proposals.

Main color trends

Military green, bottle, olive, eucalyptus or jungle: Green is going to be one of the most autumnal colors. Combine with different intensities of green, with neutral, yellow or pastel tones to create relaxing environments. If you want to risk and give personality to the space, bet on a blue and green. Keep in mind that if you choose strong shades, you will get a more energizing proposal. If you prefer soft ones, serenity is guaranteed.

Another trend color of this fall / winter is red in all its intensities. From the most vibrant and passionate to the softest, through clays, burgundy and tiles.

The browns will be other great protagonists of the season. Both the softest and most natural, perfect for decorating the living room, the main room and even the dining room, as well as the darkest and deepest. Combine different shades and textures with natural elements and get ready to relax.

Blue and yellow: alone, together and scrambled. This couple never fails. The most muted blue, ideal to combine with earth tones, or the most intense and functional galactic perfectly with yellows, mustards and ocher.

Proyecto científico de colaboración para cuidado del medio ambiente


Desarrollo de recubrimientos basados en compuestos organometálicos (MOFs) para la fotodegradación del formaldehído del aire en ambientes interiores, mejorando la eficacia de las soluciones basadas en TiO2 y la dispersión en resinas empleadas en formulación de pinturas y lacas..

El proyecto afronta el problema de la contaminación en ambientes interiores, hasta cinco veces superior que en el exterior y perjudicial para la salud humana. Se desarrollan tecnologías purificantes para combatir los contaminantes presentes en estos ambientes, como, por ejemplo, el formaldehído.

Financiado por: FEDER / Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Proyecto RTC-2017-6428-5.

Socios de proyecto:


El Pantone Color Institute

The Pantone Color Institute offers color trends, color information and personalized color consulting. It helps companies to make informed decisions about the color of their brands or products to gain a competitive advantage.

Companies can go to it to:

  • Color Palette Recommendations
  • Color trends and considered
  • Custom color for brand identity
  • Color management
  • Consumer Color Preferences
  • Color naming
  • Tailored presentations and educational workshops.

Next we facilitate the link of the Pantone Color Institute

Pantone Color Institute